YouTube keywords to get more views

YouTube keywords to get more views

YouTube keywords to get more views

About YouTube and the conditions for profit from it: YouTube is the most famous and most powerful platform for watching videos, and YouTub...

About YouTube and the conditions for profit from it?

YouTube is the most famous and most powerful platform for watching videos, and YouTube is a company and a site affiliated with the giant Google, and it is also considered the second search engine after the Google search engine, 

and to profit from YouTube, you must be your own content creator, and the conditions for profit from YouTube are You have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours in a year, but if you get these conditions before that, you can activate the profit, 

and perhaps these conditions have become an obstacle, especially in getting 4000 hours, and there are many devious ways to collect views, but I do not advise any A content maker in adopting these methods because without a doubt your channel will be closed or you will never dream of profiting from it, 

therefore, you should treat your videos with great importance by creating good content and providing an addition in addition to a good and attractive thumbnail, in addition to a short title and description words in addition to putting keywords for any of your videos, so what are these keywords.

What are the keywords or keywords for YouTube and their role in increasing views?

Keywords, keywords, or tags are the same meaning, and keywords are search words by viewers, meaning that after you search, 

for example, for a video of a topic on YouTube, you go to the search box and then type this word or phrase to search and you get many From the results of this word and this word is considered one of the keywords, and this is a simplified interpretation of the keywords for YouTube.

Keywords or keywords are the backbones for the appearance of your videos in search engines, especially the search engine Google and YouTube, as well as the suggestion of your videos by YouTube, 

and this will increase the views of your videos and increase the hours of views and be sure that the views that come from search methods You are more profitable than other videos for people who are considered targeted, 

and this is what Google and YouTube search engines like, and there are many ways to bring keywords to YouTube, but today we will look at the best YouTube-ready keywords application.

The best keyword-ready app for YouTube?

This application is considered one of the best applications that provide us with ready-made tags for YouTube, and this application is characterized by the fact that it offers many sources to get ready-made tags, 

in addition to knowing the keywords of any YouTube video and this feature will certainly benefit you, for example, by making a video, you, Of course, 

you will search for videos similar to your topic, and with this feature, you will be able to know the keywords or keywords for these videos and you will get an idea and therefore will choose your keywords for your video.

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